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Which people are not suitable for REIA sapphire hair remover?
Releaser:a cat Release Time: 2017-11-14

1. Pregnant women, women in lactation, menstrual period, body surface scar, diabetes, vulnerable skin and light sensitive skin should not be used;

2. Severe heart disease, moderate to severe hypertension, malignant tumor, folliculitis, infectious skin disease, burn skin, anticoagulant disorders are prohibited;

3. Do not use if you have abnormal collagen metabolism, including scar history and wound healing history;

4. Do not use if you have vascular disease, such as varicose veins and vasodilation at the irradiation site;

5. Do not use if skin is sensitive to light and prone to rash or allergy;

6. If the irradiation site is infected, herpes simplex, skin lesions, hematoma, etc., please do not use it;

7. Immunosuppressive diseases (including HIV, AIDS, lupus erythematosus, porphyria, etc.) should not be used;

8. It is forbidden to use isotretinoin, fruit acid (AHA), salicylic acid (BHA) or Rhododendron acid;

9. Those who use chemical hair removal within 30 days, those who have used skin whitening products or cosmetics containing vitamin A in a short period of time should use them with caution;

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Security code enquiry guide
Enter the product's anti-counterfeiting code and click the confirmation button
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