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How long does REIA sapphire red freezing point depilator use?
Releaser:a cat Release Time: 2017-11-14
Use interval

Week 1-4: use twice a week

Week 5-6: once a week

After the sixth week: use once a half month or a month

Please use it many times according to the growth of hair. For severe hair, the gear and frequency can be increased appropriately. The specific situation varies from person to person

Security code enquiry guide
Enter the product's anti-counterfeiting code and click the confirmation button
When entering product security code, please distinguish case
Product security code input number more than 3 times, will not be able to query again

Security code enquiry guide
Enter the product's anti-counterfeiting code and click the confirmation button
When entering product security code, please distinguish case
Product security code input number more than 3 times, will not be able to query again